Our product are bone carving located in Ubud - Bali. The materials we use such as : cow bone, buffalo bone, whale bone, fish bone and buffalo horn. Our Superiority of the products we make are the details of the products and materials we use. We also accept consulting design without minimum order. The prices we offer are also very competitive. For Bali and the surrounding area we offer free shipping.
Untuk pengiriman di INDONESIA kami menggunakan jasa TIKI (Titipan Kilat) yang biayanya akan kami konfirmasi melalui email dan sms pada saat proses pemesanan.
For shipments in INDONESIA we use TIKI service (Titipan Kilat) which will it cost us a confirmation via email and text message during the booking process.
Harga yang tercantum tidak termasuk biaya packing dan biaya pengiriman. Kami akan memberi discount khusus untuk pemesanan lebih dari 6 pcs.
Prices listed do not include the cost of packing and shipping. We will give special discount for order more than 6 pcs.
Harga sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah dan barang akan dikirim ke pemesan apabila total pembelian sudah ditransfer ke rekening kami. Kami juga menerima pembayaran via paypal : komangsrirejeki@yahoo.com.
Prices subject to change without prior notice and goods will be sent to the buyer when the total purchase have been transferred to our account.
For shipments in INDONESIA we use TIKI service (Titipan Kilat) which will it cost us a confirmation via email and text message during the booking process.
Harga yang tercantum tidak termasuk biaya packing dan biaya pengiriman. Kami akan memberi discount khusus untuk pemesanan lebih dari 6 pcs.
Prices listed do not include the cost of packing and shipping. We will give special discount for order more than 6 pcs.
Harga sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah dan barang akan dikirim ke pemesan apabila total pembelian sudah ditransfer ke rekening kami. Kami juga menerima pembayaran via paypal : komangsrirejeki@yahoo.com.
Prices subject to change without prior notice and goods will be sent to the buyer when the total purchase have been transferred to our account.
We also accept payment via paypal: komangsrirejeki@yahoo.com.
Apabila ada hal-hal yang kurang jelas silahkan hubungi kami 0817347036 dan kami siap membantu.
When there are things that are not clear, please contact us 0817347036 and we will help. Happy shopping.
Hormat Kami